Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

Welcome to the world of Harry Potter, where magic, adventure, and friendship come to life! Ever wondered which character from the beloved series you resemble the most? Take a journey with us through the magical halls of Hogwarts and discover your true character. Whether you're brave like Harry, wise like Hermione, or loyal like Ron, there's a place for everyone in the Wizarding World.

The Quiz: Find Your Hogwarts Alter Ego

1. What's Your House?

  • Gryffindor: You're brave, courageous, and always ready to stand up for what's right.
  • Hufflepuff: Loyal, kind, and hardworking, you value friendship and fairness above all.
  • Ravenclaw: Witty, intelligent, and always curious, you seek knowledge and understanding.
  • Slytherin: Ambitious, resourceful, and determined, you know how to get what you want.

2. How Do You Handle Challenges?

  • Face Them Head-On: You never back down from a fight and always protect your friends (like Harry Potter).
  • Think Strategically: You analyze the situation and come up with a clever plan (like Hermione Granger).
  • Stay Loyal and Supportive: You offer support and keep everyone together (like Ron Weasley).
  • Use Your Cunning and Resourcefulness: You find the most efficient way to solve problems (like Draco Malfoy).

3. What’s Your Favorite Magical Creature?

  • Hippogriff: Proud and majestic, you respect those who earn your trust.
  • House-Elf: Humble and hardworking, you believe in serving others.
  • Phoenix: Symbolizing rebirth and resilience, you rise from the ashes stronger.
  • Basilisk: Powerful and feared, you understand the power of influence and legacy.

4. What’s Your Ideal Weekend Activity?

  • Adventure and Exploration: Like Harry, you love seeking new thrills and challenges.
  • Reading and Learning: Like Hermione, you can often be found with your nose in a book, exploring new worlds.
  • Spending Time with Friends: Like Ron, you enjoy simple pleasures and good company.
  • Planning and Scheming: Like Draco, you spend your time plotting your next big move.

Discover Your Character

Harry Potter

If you're brave, selfless, and always ready to protect your loved ones, you are Harry Potter! You face challenges head-on and have a strong sense of justice. Your courage inspires those around you, and you're always up for a new adventure.

Hermione Granger

Are you the brainiac of your group, always reading and eager to learn? Then you're Hermione Granger! Your intelligence and quick thinking make you the go-to person in a crisis. You value knowledge and use it to help others, often finding creative solutions to problems.

Ron Weasley

If loyalty and friendship are your strongest traits, you are Ron Weasley! You are the heart of your group, providing unwavering support and a sense of humor that keeps everyone grounded. Your bravery shines through in the face of danger, especially when your friends are involved.

Draco Malfoy

Ambitious, cunning, and resourceful? You are Draco Malfoy! You know what you want and aren’t afraid to go after it. While you may sometimes come off as arrogant, deep down you care about your family and close friends. Your cleverness often helps you navigate tricky situations.

Luna Lovegood

If you're quirky, imaginative, and see the world in a unique way, you are Luna Lovegood! You embrace your individuality and aren't afraid to stand out. Your open-mindedness and acceptance make you a wonderful friend who sees the best in everyone.

Neville Longbottom

Are you the underdog who always rises to the occasion? Then you are Neville Longbottom! Initially underestimated, your bravery and determination eventually shine through. You show that true courage is standing up for what’s right, even when it's hard.

Ginny Weasley

Strong, independent, and fierce, you are Ginny Weasley! You don’t shy away from challenges and stand up for yourself and others. Your confidence and strength make you a natural leader, and you inspire those around you to be their best selves.

Share Your Results!

Now that you know which Harry Potter character you are, share your results with your friends! Encourage them to take the quiz and compare their magical matches. Whether you're a Harry, Hermione, or even a Luna, each character brings something unique and special to the Wizarding World.

Visit our Harry Potter Store to find the perfect merchandise to celebrate your magical alter ego. From wands to robes, BG Stores has everything you need to immerse yourself in the world of Harry Potter. Embrace your inner wizard or witch and let the magic begin!